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Uploader : MichaelTheGhost
Posted on 2013-03-19 17:10:32 (34 days ago)
1000 x 893 px - 716kb - Rate: Unrated

Source : http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=34367854
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Comments : 4
34 days ago
เปิดสาขาเพิ่มที่ pixiv ซะแล้ว
34 days ago
34 days ago
"My name is Rose, Rose Lehmann. Sergeant of the 146 Infantry Regiment. I know some of you would wonder why there are lady in service. Well, It a something called alternate history or you can say it a alternate dimension. Around 1910 somebody came up with the idea that army should more reserve. He said if women can fire a weapon and carry a gear, Why can't they fight. So female unit had been setup in case that regular unit take heavy casualty and they can't find anymore boy to fill the gap. I was once proudly serve as soldier, Only until I became a veteran." Here is the beginning of my long story.
34 days ago
ชอบบรรยากาศ กับอารมณ์ของตัวละครมาก
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